Monday, March 1, 2010

A Trip To New Zealand

I made a short little blurb on the trip to New Zealand.
Things are going very well. The search for a short term job still ensues, but April can not arrive soon enough! This country is ABSOLUTELY beautiful. Yesterday we woke up earlier because I have an addiction...that addiction is HOCKEY!!! We took the bus into town and went to a pub where we could watch the gold medal hockey game, and sadly Canada won...but it's ok...a silver medal is fine...I just dislike Sidney Crosby much much more!
Tim's birthday was for you Americans...and we had a blast. Nicole cooked lasagna and they had friends Neil and Nessie come over. Nessie made a delicious cake for Tim, yet signed his birthday card "Who's Tim?" It was fantastic.
enjoy the video!

Shawn M. Whitworth

Video: (Im not smart enough, and too lazy to figure out how to shrink to fit...
so here is a link too)

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