Friday, March 5, 2010

windy and rainy

Here I lay, in a is raining and windy....and I love every second of it. Today was a good day...I feel I've neglected my blogging duties, which I hope to remedy soon. And by soon, I mean I'm writing a blog entry right now aren't I? No luck on a temporary job so far, I'm hoping April comes faster, but alas, we men are slaves to time. This transition is quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever done in my life, I can't thank anyone and everyone enough who has helped me get to this point. I go through this mental process every few hours or so where my mind freezes and this error message flashes through proclaiming "Holy expletive I'm in New Zealand!" It's breath taking. I can't believe I have only been here for one week, I feel like so much has happened already, yet when I lay here typing I can barely recount enough to type. I got a cell phone...and I must say it is a difficult challenge to go from an iPhone to a Nokia reminiscent of what I had way back in high school. I am eating a lot...which I have either decided is one of three things. Since I am walking up and down a mountain almost everyday I am burning so much energy my body can't keep up and my metabolism is freaking out, I am growing again, or I have a tape worm aptly named Clarence by Scott and Michelle. Most likely it is a mixture of the first two...though I really hope I don't grow more...I'll have to buy a bunch of new clothes, and clothes here...stupid expensive. Speaking of expensive...I bought a capo for my was $40. RETARDED. Also retarded, I can't watch,, or anything like that due to a lack of a USA IP address...I miss Community and the easy of watching wonderful shows online. Luckily Scott has a show on DVD called "The Black Donnellys" which I watched when it aired, and then it disappeared. It aired on NBC...and we all know what they do with great shows.....Conan knows what I'm talking about. I really hope someone picks up "The Black Donnellys" for a second season...I have to know what happened. I'm getting a little sleepy now, so I think I'll get some sleep. Pictures and a video are on the's a challenge to edit videos...I thought I did before till I saw a friends today...her's was INCREDIBLE. I'm jealous Sam. Well played. Tomorrow I am going to try to make some Kiwi friends, I hope it goes well.

a little later limited,
Shawn M. Whitworth

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