Monday, February 22, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Well Sunday, was quite a lazy day indeed. I slept in a bit, and to be honest I don't remember much of yesterday, because I didn't quite do much. Tim got back to Heidi's from hanging out with his friends elsewhere in this shiny new city of L.A. I find myself pretending I'll still live here in my "spare thought time." Spare thought time you ask? Well, I'm sure we all do this, but if not, just pretend it's normal and I'll be OK. Spare thought time, is sort of like day dreaming, but the difference is that in-between conversations and even sentences around and to other people, you day dream in those short seconds. I'm weird. Get used to it, you're in for a year of the depths of my mind. Turning back now is not a bad thing and completely understandable, in fact, I may encourage such decisions.
Anyway, I do thoroughly enjoy L.A. and see myself ending up here post New Zealand.

Basically we hung out at Heidi and Sally's (I think I can include Sally now, cause she's awesome). Even more basically, Heidi and Sally are super team awesome and I can't think them enough for letting myself and friends crash at there place.

Scott and Jackie returned around 7ish, and crashed at the apartment, while I went to see Shutter Island downtown with some of my new friends that I made through Heidi's game night/Layne's breakfast jam. Sal, Peter and Peter's roommate Dan met up downtown at the movie theatre(thanks to Sal for picking me up!) The movie was pretty awesome and I had a great time! New friends are awesome, especially when we all love Broken Social Scene!
Furthermore...what? Yeah, Furthermore, Sal took me back to Heidi and Sally's place and we had a great discussion while passing two accidents and getting lost. Sal is a cool dude. Meet him. I promise. I then laid on the floor and tried to sleep quickly learning that we all snore...myself included...yay! Sorry Sally.

a little later limited,
Shawn M. Whitworth


Crossing the street!
Movie Theater!
Heidi in a window!!!

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