Sunday, February 21, 2010

way back on Friday Night and then yesterday

So Heidi hosted a game night, and it was fantastic! So much fun, so much fun.
After a wondrous night of sleep, I woke up and fiddled around on my computer a bit as Heidi and her roommate, Sally, finished occupying the bathroom. I then gathered some clean clothes and enjoyed a shower and organized my belongings in my continually challenge of occupying as least space as possible as a guest. Some of the people from game night decided to come back over in the morning for a breakfast, this idea was genius and full of glory. (yay Layne!) So Roy came over in his P.J.'s and then Sal and Peter showed up, and then Layne got here. We all walked over to the grocery store and bought appropriate breakfast making items and then walked back and cooked them. Layne is quite skilled in the culinary arts making french toast and then putting cream cheese and fresh fruit betwixt the toast of frenchness.
Sal and Peter had to hop off to work doing fun things for the Freddy Krueger movie. Roy soon followed in his departure for different ventures. But Layne stayed and was hanging out with Sally having a deep discussion about feminism and such as I was cleaning the dishes, funny right?
We then walked down to a local coffee shop to read, I'd never done that before but it was very nice. Sally went for a hike and would meet us later. But this group reading separately idea was interesting to me. It was nice to all be doing something together but stay focused on our own things, and then when finished we shared ideas about what we'd just read. Also, Heidi fell asleep...Completely exhilarating! BAM, hunger set in, so we went in search of food to find it at a mexican restaurant on the street. Sally met us there and Layne and I shared our burritos with her. Question game, it was fun. Then it was back to Heidi's and a sad good bye to Layne. Yay Nashville peeps!
Heidi and I decided naps were the most logical next step in our day so I passed out on the couch/my bed for the duration of staying here. After awaking, Heidi had to go waitress at this place and I tagged along. HOLY JELLY FILLED DOUGHNUTS! I have a new addition...
That band was incredible, completely skilled in every instrument and vocal talent, just pure awesome.
It was then home and sleep, and now I awoke and had breakfast and started all the bloggerating! yay!


Heidi napping during reading!
Vaud and the Villains!


  1. So sad that you won't be around for the next breakfast time! When you get back it's mandatory. I hope you have an incredibly blessed trip.

  2. awww, thank you, and yes indeed breakfast will be mandatory for sure! but only if you spend the whole day with us again too haha
